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Open Call – Visiting Artist Programme

Skribentens bild: Amy FeeAmy Fee

Danscentrum Sverige invites Swedish based choreographers to an Open Call for Big Pulse Dance Alliance Visiting Artist Programme. The Visiting Artist Programme is aimed at up-and-coming choreographers (regardless of age). Big Pulse is a four-year EU project that runs 2021-2024. Danscentrum Sverige is the Swedish partner.

About the Visiting Artist Programme

The Open Call offers one choreographer the opportunity to visit Side Step festival in Helsinki. The programme will include a meeting with the Artistic Director of the festival, get-togethers with local artists, tickets to festival performances and networking with choreographers from other European countries. The programme is a great opportunity for skills development, creative exchange and to expand you network. A bursary is given to cover travel, per diem, accommodation, performance tickets as well as a small retainer.

How to apply

Write a short letter (max half an A4 page), in English, in which you motivate the value for you as a performing artist to participate in the Visiting Artist Programme. Include a link to your web site, a showreel or such. The linked video materials should not extend 5 minutes. Submit your application no later than January 14. We are looking forward to take part of your application. Send your application to:

The application process

Danscentrum Sverige makes a first selection if there are a large number of applicants. The receiving festival and the project manager for Big Pulse are responsible for the final selection. The decision will take into account the selected choreographers from the other partner festivals, to ensure that the constellation enriches the experience.


Side Step Festival 2023, Helsinki, Finland. Zodiak website. Performance programme to be seen here: Zodiak Side Step Festival.

Travel days: To Helsinki – Arrival morning of Wednesday 8th Feb. Leaving Helsinki – Departure: Sunday 12th Feb (on Sat 11th Feb we end with closing club party on late evening & night).

PLEASE NOTE! The last day to apply to is January 14th.

About Big Pulse Dance Alliance

Big Pulse Dance Alliance is a 4-year partnership (2021-2024) of 12 European dance festivals and institutions united by their passion to promote, strengthen and broaden the reach of the contemporary dance sector. With the support of EU Creative Europe co-funding, Big Pulse aims to diversify dance programming on stages and in public outdoor spaces; support artist development through mentorship, travel and workshop programmes; and invite new audiences to engage with the art form through dynamic live or digital performances and other participatory activities. The project’s long-term vision is to establish a lively network of European dance festivals who work collaboratively and sustainably to further the life-changing impact of dance. For more information about Big Pulse please visit:

The Big Pulse Dance Alliance partners are:

Tanz im August/HAU Hebbel am Ufer (Germany), Dance Umbrella (UK), Dublin Dance Festival (Ireland), Julidans (The Netherlands), New Baltic Dance (Lithuania), ONE Dance Week (Bulgaria), Torinodanza Festival (Italy), Zodiak - Side Step Festival (Finland), Sismògraf Dance Festival (Catalonia - Spain), International Dance Festival TANEC PRAHA (The Czech Republic), CODA Oslo International Dance Festival (Norway) and Danscentrum Sverige (Sweden).

Header image. Photos: Matteo Maffesanti (Graces), Sinje Hasheider (Navy Blue), Urban Jörén (On Earth I'm Done: Mountains)

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Danscentrum Sverige är en ideell medlemsorganisation, i form av en centrumbildning, som samlar de fria professionella danskonstnärerna i Sverige. Organisationen arbetar för att stärka den professionella samtida dansen och är en samlingsplats för kunskap, expertis och konstnärlig utveckling. Centret samarbetar med institutioner, andra scenkonstutövare, konstnärer och pedagoger i projekt och i andra sammankomster..

Danscentrum Sverige

Hornsgatan 103, 8tr, 117 28 Stockholm. E-post: info[at]


Amy Fee, verksamhetsledare

E-post: amy.fee[at]

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