Stina Nyberg
Sweden-based choreographer Stina Nyberg use conviction and illusion in order to create new systems of logic which constructs the world differently and make bodies act accordingly.
Part of tanzmesse nrw 2024 official programme
Performance – Thursday 29th of August at 21:00 FFT, Big Stage

Performance – Make Hay While the Sun Shines
Make Hay While the Sun Shines is a series of dances which maps the dancing movements of our history.

“All that you touch you change. All that you change changes you. The only lasting truth is change.” – Octavia E. Butler, Parable of the Sower Choreographer Stina Nyberg has composed a work that gives space to the dance history of a cross-generational cast of dancers and merges them into new forms.
Make Hay While the Sun Shines is a series of dances which maps the dancing movements of our histories. Ditching a “neither/nor” in favour of a “yes/and,” it is both a project and a dance of constant change. Stemming from a movement practice based on disharmony, a dance which might be more like life itself is created: irregular, fascinating, unsuccessful, stumbling, fast, loving and pretty unpredictable.

The choreographer – Stina Nyberg
Stina Nyberg works as a dancer and choreographer. In her practice, she uses conviction and illusion in order to create new systems of logic which constructs the world differently and make bodies act accordingly. At moments she calls this performative force magic, sometimes a craft, and occasionally a practice. Her departure point is always a feminist approach to the body; its social and political construction and ability to move. She has developed a series of independent works in collaboration withmusicians, visual artists, technicians and magicians. She recently opened her new work “Chest” with original music by Kaki King at Dansens Hus in Stockholm. She has been commissioned by Culllberg and Norrdans, to name a few, and toured with her various iterations of work surrounding Nikola Tesla.
Contact person
Terry Johnson – terry@johnsonbergsmark.com
Magnus Nordberg – magnus@nordbergmovement.se
Social media
With support from
Co-Producers:Dansnät Sverige, Norrlandsoperan, MDT Funders and Supporters: The Swedish Arts Council, The Swedish Arts Grants Committee, Stockholm stad.
Photographers: RES