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Mari Raudsepp

Mari Raudsepp works as a dancer, choreographer and dance teacher. She has been active in the street dance culture/field and battle/club scene since 2008.

Presenting at the Swedish Dance Experience, Thursday, August 29th in Sammlung Philara.


Performance – Groove

The dance production "Groove" is based from the traditions of the dance styles gqom and house and explores its groove, form and spirit of the styles.


“Groove” is about being yourself and allowing yourself to connect / immerse / devote yourself with the music, the collective, yourself and the groove in a deep way. This is the time we release. Hardcore release of emotions. Make you want to break free, let go hardcore and upbeat. Dance with face, alter ego, aggression, charming The dance work and the project Groove is a 45 minute dance performance.

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The work aims to explore cross-genre meetings between gqom dance and house dance. “Groove” works with repetitions, space and different physical qualities. All these concepts are taken from the original expression and form of house dance/gqom dance.


The work with "Groove" started spring 2022 in Durban, South Africa together with the dancers Malondy Msomi, Yolanda Joja, Thobeka Maphumulo. Summer 2023 we had residency at the Swedish Art Grants Committee studio in Stockholm and at Dalateatern in Orsa and Säter. The dance production “Groove” will tour in Sweden spring 2025 together with dansnät Sverige.

The choreographer – Mari Raudsepp

Mari Raudsepp works as a dancer, choreographer and dance teacher. She graduated from the School of Dance and Circus in Stockholm (2016) and Åsa folkhögskola in Sköldinge (2008). She has been active in the street dance culture/field and battle/club scene since 2008.


Mari works mainly with improvisation/freestyle and she is interested in how social dances can be expressed in a stage/choreographic context. Since 2014, she has been a member of the dance collective "De La Vibe".


For the past years she has been working with the dance collective “Rosales” with the choreographer Paloma Madrid. Mari Raudsepp is currently in Durban working on dance production "Groove" touring in Sweden spring 2025.


Contact person

Mari Raudsepp,



Social media

IG: @mari_raudsepp

FB: @mari.raudsepp


With support from

Med Stöd av Konstnärsnämnden, Kulturrådet, Dalateatern, Devote, Helge Ax:son Johnsons stiftelse. Turnerar med Dansnät Sverige vår 2025.

Photographer: Robert Söderström, Anna-Karin Åberg

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Danscentrum Sverige är en ideell medlemsorganisation, i form av en centrumbildning, som samlar de fria professionella danskonstnärerna i Sverige. Organisationen arbetar för att stärka den professionella samtida dansen och är en samlingsplats för kunskap, expertis och konstnärlig utveckling. Centret samarbetar med institutioner, andra scenkonstutövare, konstnärer och pedagoger i projekt och i andra sammankomster..

Danscentrum Sverige

Hornsgatan 103, 8tr, 117 28 Stockholm. E-post: info[at]


Amy Fee, verksamhetsledare

E-post: amy.fee[at]

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