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Dalija Acin Thelander

Dalija Acin Thelander is a freelance choreographer, creating immersive performances for babies and neurodiverse children.

Part of tanzmesse nrw 2024 official programme

Insight, Saturday 31st of August at 14:30, FFT Foyer


Performance – Fields of Tender

Within this awe-inspiring, sensual world, the extravagant and peculiar events interlace with ethereal and gentle ones. The performance flow welcomes the audience's curiosity as well as provides them with a calm and intimate space for relaxation.

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Tender is an enchanting and playful, dance performance, which immerses you in an imaginary world of tenderness, affection and love. Within this awe-inspiring, sensual world, the extravagant and peculiar events interlace with ethereal and gentle ones. The performance flow welcomes the audience's curiosity as well as provides them with a calm and intimate space for relaxation. The abundance of dance, music, sounds, extraordinary objects and interactive video projections fosters the audience togetherness, easefulness and empowerment.


Fields of Tender caters to all senses and embraces every individual, inviting you to savor the performance on your own terms. It provides a variety of experiences for all types of perceptions and it welcomes all kinds of behaviors. Across its extended duration, spectators are welcome to enter and exit at their leisure, fostering a fluid and personalized journey through this mesmerizing landscape of emotion and exploration.


The performance provides various extents of experiences for all types of perceptions and it welcomes all kinds of behaviors. The audience is invited to enjoy the performance freely and on their own terms. Within the several hours of duration the audience can come in when they are ready, exit and re-enter during the show, and leave when it suits them the most.


Fields of Tender is created and produced in the frame of Dalija Acin Thelander’s three-year academic research project “Towards sensuous ecologies, Rethinking ableism in choreographic and movement practices”, carried out at Stockholm University of arts and supported by Swedish Research Council.

Concept, choreography and overall design: Dalija Acin Thelander In collaboration with and performed by: Noah Hellwig, Jimmie Larsson, pavleheilder Music: Thomas Jeker; Digital animation: Filip Mikic Fields of

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The company – Dalija Acin Thelander

Dalija Acin Thelander works within the performing arts field as a freelance choreographer, stage designer and researcher. Her work aspires to contribute to the notion of choreography as expanded practice and focuses on audience's agency, intersensoriality, emplacement and kinesthetic affect.

She creates immersive performances for neurotypical babies and children with disabilities; designs and makes immersive scenographies and costumes for her performances; teaches and lectures internationally.


Currently she is carrying out her academic research project at Stockholm University of Arts, focused on developing new performing arts practice attuned to neurodivergent perception of the youngest children. Her work has been presented in Japan, Korea, India, China, Singapore, Macao, Hong Kong, Brazil, South Africa and across Europe, as well as commissioned by Royal Opera in Stockholm (2017, 2022). Recipient of ASSITEJ International Artistic Excellence Award in 2021.

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Contact person: Dalija Acin Thelander, choreographer & producer


Social media

IG: @dalija.acin.thelander

FB: Dalija Acin Thelander

With support from

Supported by: Swedish Research Council, Menų spaustuvė/Arts Printing House (Vilnius, Lithuania), Kulturhuset Dieselverkstaden (Stockholm, Sweden), Muzeum Susch / Art Stations Foundation CH (Susch, Switzerland), LaSala (Sabadell, Spain).

Photographers: Background image – Gisela Jane, child looking up and child looking forward at feathers – Dalija Acin Thelander, portrait – D. Matvejev, picture with baby – Krsto VulovicÌ, 

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Danscentrum Sverige är en ideell medlemsorganisation, i form av en centrumbildning, som samlar de fria professionella danskonstnärerna i Sverige. Organisationen arbetar för att stärka den professionella samtida dansen och är en samlingsplats för kunskap, expertis och konstnärlig utveckling. Centret samarbetar med institutioner, andra scenkonstutövare, konstnärer och pedagoger i projekt och i andra sammankomster..

Danscentrum Sverige

Hornsgatan 103, 8tr, 117 28 Stockholm. E-post: info[at]


Amy Fee, verksamhetsledare

E-post: amy.fee[at]

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